Liebster Award 2018

What a wonderful surprise! I came back from Florence to discover that the lovely Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures had nominated me for a Liebster Award. I can’t thank you enough Rory, you are such a fantastic guy and I love reading your blog! You write with such candour and skill and your wonderful personality always shines though!

What a wonderful surprise! I came back from Florence to discover that the lovely Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures had nominated me for a Liebster Award. I can’t thank you enough Rory, you are such a fantastic guy and I love reading your blog! You write with such candour and skill and your wonderful personality always shines though!

As always, we have some rules to follow and here they are:


Acknowledge the blogger that gave it to you and display the award

Answer 8 questions that the blogger gave you

Give 8 random thoughts about yourself

Nominate 8 other bloggers and notify them of their nomination

Ask your nominees 8 questions

The origins of this award are as follows:

“This award is meant to encourage new bloggers. From The Global Aussie: “The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011.  Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.”  The award initially focused on bloggers with less than 2000 followers, but as its popularity increased this number has gone down to 200.”

I absolutely love this award because I have met so many kind, sweet, lovely, cute and endearing people on WP that my nominations will be easy, I just wish that I could nominate more than 8!

So, here we go, these are Rory’s questions:

Are you happy with the person:

1] You are

2] You were

3] You think you will become?

I wasn’t really happy with who I was because I never felt as though I really fitted in, rather I adapted my personality to whatever situation I found myself in. I then met my husband and he helped me to break down all the walls that I’d built until I reached a point where I was very happy being me and even happier being part of a couple. When I lost him many of the walls went back up but now, almost 5 years later, I’ve rediscovered the ‘real’ me and I’m happy. As for the person I’ll become, who knows?

How many colours can you see in the image below, list them in detail.


Gorgeous azure blue to start with as it’s one of my favourite colours. Various shades of amethyst, sulphur yellow, muted orange, a delicate light grey and a heavy sludgy brown. All of these colours are then set off with delicate touches of luscious green.

Is there anything within five feet of where you are currently typing that is a permanent feature and motivates you to explore your mind deeply?

Yes. I’m not sure it’s exactly within 5 feet but it’s the glass door that leads out to my balcony; through it I can see the sea and nothing else. It’s a picture that’s ever moving and changing and it’s a huge source of peace and inspiration for me.

How many vices do you have and of them which are your worst?

Ooohh that’s a tricky one! Immoral or wicked behaviour? I think the worst vice I have these days is a glass or three of red wine but I was pretty wild when I was in my 20’s and 30’s and experimented with quite a number of vices!

How curious are you to new discoveries, and first time experiences even if they are possibly dangerous or risky for you to try? As in will you try them, or make an excuse not to?

I’ve always said that I will try anything once!

I’m quite open to dangerous and risky but I do draw the line at bungee jumping. A friend and I went to the site of the highest bungee jump in Europe last year and I was absolutely raring to go…….until I looked over the edge at which point my knees turned to jelly, my tummy was filled with bats rather than butterflies and that was the end of that!

If you answered No Way to question 5, what prevents you from doing so?

The only thing that would prevent me from trying anything would be fear (as with the bungee jumping) but I’m doing my best to overcome those ;O)

If you answered YES Please to question 6, what motivates you to take those risks?

It’s simple. When I lost my husband, it brought home to me quite how short life is and I didn’t want to get to the end of mine saying ‘I wish I had….’

What type of song do you think our banjo player here is playing? Provide a link to what you think it might be as your answer to this question.


The guy looks like he’s ready to set his banjo on fire so I’m going to go with:


Now I have to give you 8 random thoughts about me…..hhhmmmmmm…OK, here goes:

  1. I have a real problem with socks, I don’t like wearing them and can never seem to find a matching pair
  2. I love fresh truffles and would happily have them grated on pretty much anything
  3. Disney cartoons make me cry – Jungle Book, Bambi, The Lion King and don’t get me started on Watership Down!
  4. I like animals far more than I like most people
  5. I have a crush on James Spader from the Blacklist/Boston Legal
  6. I have a bit of an obsession with boots
  7. I’m incredibly loyal to the people I love
  8. I really enjoy clay pigeon shooting.

So, on to my nominations. As I said, I would like to nominate more but I’ll stick to the rules. Everyone on my list is kind and caring and just scrummy; I read and enjoy their blogs every day – I hope that you will too:

The lovely Lorraine over at Blindwilderness

Charming Darren, otherwise known as The ArtyPlantsman

Super sweet Wendi at SimplyChronicallyIll

The kind soul that is Tom over at the aptly named tombeingtom

Gentle spirit Billy who resides at goodtobealivetoday

Cute and funny Sadje at lifeafter50forwomen

The indomitable Cynthia at making peace with the wrong side of 40

Although he says he’s an award free blog I also have to nominated the adorable Peter over at Peter’s Ponderings

Right, that’s the nominees now onto the questions:

  1. If you could swap lives with someone for just one day who would it be and why?
  2. What’s your favourite thing to eat?
  3. Do you believe in reincarnation and, if so, do you have any memories of past lives?
  4. What really irritates you?
  5. Which character from Friends are you most like?
  6. What song, without fail, makes you smile (please post link)
  7. How would you spend your last day on Earth?
  8. What law would you change and why?

That’s it, it’s over to you guys now!

Thanks once again to Rory and have a lovely day everyone

Lisa x


Author: FabFitFunFifty

For women over 50 who don't feel fifty

37 thoughts on “Liebster Award 2018”

  1. Good morning Lisa – well you took to this with gusto – so well done and some great questions asked of your nominees too.

    Can totally relate to the watership Down animated film. I can read the book no problem, but the film gets me every time too.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Well there are very few films l cannot watch anymore because of my reaction to them Lisa. WD is one and Gorilla’s in the Mist – just can’t do it. The first time l watched gorillas l was in a mess, but l just cannot watch it at all anymore.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I know the story of Gorillas in the Mist and that was enough for me not to watch it. I know, like you, I’d be in absolute bits! Saying that I was in floods for about half an hour after watching Schindler’s List and yet I’ve seen it 3 times – same reaction every time but it’s such an incredible film…..

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yes, there are many emotional scenes to the film, and every time you watch it, you’ll see something you didn’t see the first time around.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations Lisa😊. Loved your answers!

    Watership Down? Have not watched it since being traumatised by it as a kid when it came out! Most recent film to do that to me was the movie of ‘Where the wild things are’ which creeped the hell out of me.

    I always think Schindlers List is a movie everyone needs to see once, which I did. But I do not think I could watch it again.

    Thank you so much for the nomination too. I have not done an award post in a while so will have a go at this one😊😍. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Darren :O)
      Yep I think Watership Down traumatised an entire generation!
      I haven’t seen Where the Wild Things Are….just watched the trailer…what creeped you out?
      I agree – Schindler’s list is a must for everyone if, for no other reason, than to remind people not to repeat the past.
      You’re welcome – you’re one of my favourite bloggers, I thought you deserved an award. I shall look forward to reading your answers :O) xx


      1. Susan and I, who have both had anxiety issues, both found WTWTA really triggering and disturbing. I am not even sure I could tell you why but my heart was hammering in panic mode most if the way through it.
        Same goes for Nocturnal Animals which I would never watch again.
        I will try to make my answers entertaining😉😄x

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Marvelous answers! 👏👏👏

    Within 5 feet of where I’m typing is a stack of spiral binders that lays out all the workings of my mind from the time when I spent at least an hour every morning “finding myself” (once and for all). Behind me, also within 5 feet is a filing cabinet and within is a folder titled “Career Search” which is really just a clever disguise for downloaded tests and things I took during my “Soul Search.” Also, right in front of me, is a computer folder, under “Documents,” titled “Personal Development.” So I guess you could say there are things all around me, within 5 feet, that get me to explore my mind deeply.

    There’s also a really cool Spider-Man poster on my wall, behind the monitor, for inspiration. 😉

    Great questions and great answers. You know I’ll answer mine. Honored to be mentioned, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lisa, I had been looking for this but could not find it. I wasn’t able to do anything with it when you first posted it and informed me. But now, I have found it. I feel so humbled that you would nominate me for this Award. I don’t know what to say. You are most kind. I woukd LOVE to answer your questions, if I can. But I don’t think I can manage all the other bits to it. I will do my best to answer the questions though, just for fun. I hope that is ok with you. Lisa, you are a wonderful person – kind, warmhearted, compassionate, deep thinking, and funny. I am so grateful to Have you as a friend. Let’s see what I can do with this, hopefully tomirrow when I can get myself together to do it. I wish you all the best with this Award Lusa, and hope that you get it. You deserve it. Your Blog is GREAT, and I absolutely love it. Ok. Till tomirrow then. Xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lorraine – don’t worry about the fiddly bits, I’d just love to read your answers! Thanks so much for your kind words they mean a great deal to me. However, I nominated you because I feel exactly the same way about you and your blog – you are a very special and talented writer :O) xxx

      Liked by 1 person

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