Song Lyric Sunday

Here we are at the end of another week or the beginning of a new one, depending on how you look at it and so it must be time for Song Lyric Sunday. Each week Jim Adams gives us a prompt to get our musical juices flowing and then we share our choices with blogging friends old and new. Do you know Jim? If not, o pop over and see him, I know he’d love to meet you, and why not play along today and join in the fun?

Here we are at the end of another week or the beginning of a new one, depending on how you look at it and so it must be time for Song Lyric Sunday. Each week Jim Adams gives us a prompt to get our musical juices flowing and then we share our choices with blogging friends old and new. Do you know Jim? If not, o pop over and see him, I know he’d love to meet you, and why not play along today and join in the fun?

Here are some rules for you:

  • Post the lyrics to the song of your choice, whether it fits the theme or not.
  • Please try to include the songwriter(s) – it’s a good idea to give credit where credit is due.
  • Make sure you also credit the singer/band and if you desire you can provide a link to where you found the lyrics.
  • Link to the YouTube video, or pull it into your post so others can listen to the song.
  • Ping back to this post will eventually work, as long as you are being patient, but you can also place your link in the comments if you don’t like to wait.
  • Read at least one other person’s blog, so we can all share new and fantastic music and create amazing new blogging friends in the process.
  • Feel free to suggest future prompts.
  • Have fun and enjoy the music.

This week’s theme is Wedding/Marry/Diamond/Ring/Cake and, as soon as I read it my thoughts went back to my own wedding. I wasn’t sure whether to share this track with you or not, as this is what was playing as I walked towards the love of my life at the start of our marriage ceremony. It holds bitter/sweet memories for me but it is outstandingly beautiful; I hope that you enjoy it:

Te lucis ante terminum
Rerum creator poscimus
Ut solita clementia
Sis praesul ad custodium
Before the ending of the day
Creator of the world we pray
That with thy wonted favour thou
Would be our guard and keeper now
Keep me as the apple of an eye
Hide me under the shadow of thy wings
Keep me as the apple of an eye
Hide me, hide me, hide me
Hide me, hide me, hide me
The heaven soars with voices above
The skies resound the power of your love
The stars shine out your glorious light
Shine through our gloom and take us on high
Keep me as the apple of an eye
Hide me under the shadow of thy wings
Keep me as the apple of an eye
Hide me, hide me, hide me
Sancto Spiritu, rerum Creator
Sancto Spiritu
Sancto, Sancto Spiritu
Te lucis ante terminum
We had a civil service and had to fight to use this track because it was deemed to be ‘religious’ and apparently you can’t use ‘religious’ music in a civil ceremony. Fortunately common sense prevailed and I will never forget walking towards my husband-to-be while this music played. I thought that I’d be able to listen to it today without crying – I couldn’t, even after more than five years. On the day of my wedding I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that I was deeply, deeply loved and that I loved without fear and beyond measure. I miss my husband every day but I will always be grateful for the fifteen wonderful years that we spent together.
Lisa x

#FOWC: Disrupt

“Is this what they mean by a bridezilla?” asked Tony looking fearfully at his fiance.

He couldn’t understand it, Jayne was normally a level headed kind of girl, why was she getting so bent out of shape over something so trivial?

“Is this what they mean by a bridezilla?” asked Tony looking fearfully at his fiance.

He couldn’t understand it, Jayne was normally a level headed kind of girl, why was she getting so bent out of shape over something so trivial?

“You know what women are like mate For us it’s just a pair of shoes, for them it’s the end of the frigging world”

Chris tried to calm his agitated friend, after all, as best man, that was his job but it was getting increasingly difficult. Unfortunately this was not the first time that Jayne had thrown a tantrum of epic proportions and Chris could see that it was wearing Tony down.

“I ordered those shoes weeks ago, how can they not be here?!? Tomorrow is my wedding day and you’re telling me that I have no fucking shoes?!”

Jayne was now yelling at the top of voice at the poor shop assistant who looked like he was about to burst into tears.

“Madam, what can I say? I’m sorry. I’m sure if we look we can find something else for you” He was almost pleading with her

“I don’t want something else you moron! I want my shoes”

In a fit of rage she kicked out at the shoe boxes littering the floor and the contents flew out in all directions.

“Right! That’s enough” said Tony

He grabbed his fiance by the arm and marched her out of the shop feeling both furious and humiliated

“How could you speak to that lovely guy like that? He was only trying to help. For Christ’s sake Jayne” He ran his fingers angrily through his hair, he was so tired of all this drama

“He lost my shoes Tony! MY FUCKING SHOES!”

Passers by were turning to stare at them, curious as to what was going on; Tony could feel his face burning with embarrassment. It appeared that Jayne was on a roll and was now screeching like a banshee, her face distorted with annoyance and frustration.

“Jayne…..for God’s sake stop it, it’s just a pair of shoes, calm down”

He put his hands on her shoulders and spoke gently hoping that she would get a grip on herself and stop all these ridiculous theatrics.

“THIS TIME it’s the shoes, before that it was the cake; my theme is lilac and the cake is frigging peach! Peach Tony!”

Her faced was flushed red now and he couldn’t help thinking how ugly she looked with her hair in disarray and spittle flying from her mouth…

“Before that it was the flowers! I ordered white lilies and the florist got me yellow so now I have what? A lilac theme, a peach cake and yellow lilies! It’s a disaster Tony and complete bloody disaster”

He’d heard about the flowers and the cake at great length and he was sick of it. The baker and the guy in the florist could not have been more contrite when he’d spoken to them. Yes, they’d made mistakes but they’d been quite charming about it and had refunded the money so what was the problem. The colours weren’t quite right and Jayne needed to find some new shoes; none of that merited such an appalling public meltdown.

Jayne was saying something but he really hadn’t been listening, he’d had enough. Taking a deep breath he said

“Look Jayne, I’m sorry but I can’t marry you. You’re not the person I thought you were and these last few days I’ve seen a side of you that I just know I can’t live with. I’m sorry”

Chris watched from the shoe shop just across the road as Tony recoiled from a vicious slap round the face. Jayne had stormed off in a flood of tears cursing her now ex-fiance to a life time of pain and suffering.

“He won’t thank you for it sweetie” The shop manager whispered in Chris’ ear.

“What can I say Brian, I love him, I had to do something to disrupt the wedding”

Chris left the shop, mentally thanked Steve and Paul, the baker and florist – such dear boys – and went to comfort Tony with arms outstretched. He pitied the man, he really did but he couldn’t stay in the closet forever.

This post is in response to another one word prompt from Fandango; they’re great fun so why not play along?

Lisa x