Where is Your G Spot???

Where do you get your best ideas for your blog? You know, those posts where you feel like you’ve created something really special and you want everyone to read it right away. Do you have a special place that just seems to feed you inspiring thoughts? I like to call it the Genius Spot, hence the title…..ooohhh you thought I meant……noooo sorry, I was talking about something else entirely!

Where do you get your best ideas for your blog? You know, those posts where you feel like you’ve created something really special and you want everyone to read it right away. Do you have a special place that just seems to feed you inspiring thoughts? I like to call it the Genius Spot, hence the title…..ooohhh you thought I meant……noooo sorry, I was talking about something else entirely!

Chuck-Norris-doesnt-turn-on-the-shower-memeFor me it’s the shower. Before you ask, I have absolutely no idea why; it’s not as if I’m at my best first thing in the morning. Normally it takes at least 2 cups  coffee before my brain is firing on all cylinders but, when it comes to writing, around 80% of my ideas come when I’m standing under the water and trying not to get shampoo in my eyes. It’s usually a single word that just pops into my head and then the idea for the post just seems to form around it. Irritatingly the initial thought then just wanders off to do its own thing but I’m left with my inspiration for the day.

So, come on where is your Genius Spot? Where’s your magical place where ideas run free and unfettered? Perhaps you’ve found a beautiful sunlit glade that stimulates your grey matter, maybe you’ve got a favourite chair and when you sit in it the thoughts just flow. Do you get your best ideas sitting on the toilet; you can tell me, I promise I won’t laugh, I’m a shower cogitator for God’s sake ;O)

Why the Chuck Norris meme? Well, to be honest it has only the very slightest relevance but I really love Chuck Norris jokes…….you can share some of those as well if you like….

Anyway, please let me know, I’d love to hear from you


Lisa x