FOWC: Metamorphosis

“Can she hear us do you think?” The voice was strained and anxious

‘Yes, I can hear you but I can’t see you; where are you? Where am I?’

“Doctor, it’s been 3 months, do you think that there’s any chance at all now that she’ll recover? Please be honest” The plea was desperate, there was naked longing in the voice which cried out for an answer, any answer.

“Can she hear us do you think?” The voice was strained and anxious

‘Yes, I can hear you but I can’t see you; where are you? Where am I?’

“Doctor, it’s been 3 months, do you think that there’s any chance at all now that she’ll recover? Please be honest” The plea was desperate, there was naked longing in the voice which cried out for an answer, any answer.

‘Who are they talking about?’ There was no fear, there was nothing to fear in this place but she was curious

‘You’ The word was a gentle sigh that softly touched her cheek

Standing before her, bringing a subtle illumination to the darkness was the shape of a man; she couldn’t quite call him a man as he had a fluidity that does not exist within the human realm but he had a male presence. She was reminded of her Father. There were no clear features that would bring her to this conclusion but she felt a sense of belonging that enveloped her.

‘Why? There’s nothing wrong with me’ She was indignant, she felt healthier than she ever had in her life; her body had a lightness to it that she’d never experienced before. She was sure that she could run all day without tiring in the slightest. She smiled; it was a wonderful thought. As it entered her mind a field unraveled before her eyes; bright golden corn raised up before her, she could smell the damp earth as if it were soaked with summer rain. In the distance there was a glade of trees and the light from the sun played between the branches, illuminating, in turn, bright green leaves and the mossy floor beneath.

“I’m sorry but there really is nothing more that we can do, I’ll leave you to say your goodbyes and then we’ll shut down the machines…….” The words were delivered with a gentle compassion but with an unequivocal finality.

‘It’s time’ The soft tones of her Father’s voice reached her ear. Was it her Father? How could it be? She’d lost him so many years ago…….but…….

She turned her face away from the swaying corn and the seductive play of light in the glade and turned to face the being that bathed her in such subtle surety.

‘Time for what?’ She turned her head back to the trees that seemed to be calling her; the lightness that she’d felt before was almost overwhelming her and a place between her shoulder blades was tingling.

“Goodbye my love” The voice broke, the words, unwilling to be formed, stuck in the man’s throat.

She turned towards the voice but could see nothing; there was a deep desire within her to run towards it but the glade called to her, pulling her, the very earth was seducing her with its soft warm smell..

‘Please don’t be sad, not for me. Goodbye’

As the word hung in the air for a brief moment she had a strange sensation; something was erupting from within her and it brought with it power, a freedom that was entirely new to her. From the corner of her eye she could see brightness unfold as gossamer fine wings appeared and gently bore her away from the ground and towards the sunlit glade.

‘What’s happening?’ Did she care? Really? Such peace!

‘This, my daughter, is your final metamorphosis. Come’ He held out his hand and guided her towards the light….

Thanks once again to Fandango for providing the inspiration for this story with his daily one word prompt.

Lisa x


Author: FabFitFunFifty

For women over 50 who don't feel fifty

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