There Must be More…..

to life than this. Have you ever thought that, when you were having a bad day, when nothing seemed to be going your way? Maybe you felt at the end of your tether, that life just seems to be an endless slog, every day the same with nothing ever getting any better?

to life than this. Have you ever thought that, when you were having a bad day, when nothing seemed to be going your way? Maybe you felt at the end of your tether, that life just seems to be an endless slog, every day the same with nothing ever getting any better?

I have felt like that more times than I care to count over the last few years but recently I’ve woken up to something – there isn’t more than life, there is only how you view it. It sounds horribly cliched to say it but many of the problems that we have in life are caused by focusing on what we don’t have, rather than what we do have. In looking for complex solutions, we often miss the simple things that could give us pleasure if we would but notice them:

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Mother Nature is always waving her arms at us and saying ‘look!’. She creates beautiful things for us every day, despite the fact that we often do our best to ruin them
New York
We can’t always have a stunning view but we can always find something to make us smile if we look hard enough…
We can enjoy the time that we spend with our friends and family: the people that we love and who love us
But there is pleasure to be found in quiet solitude….
There will be time for adventure, for adrenaline rushes and wild excitement…
Equally, we can take pleasure from the moments when our hearts and minds are still and quiet…
There is beauty in the young…. 
old ladies
There is beauty in the old……








There is beauty in the animal world….
And a simple flower can be the most beautiful of all.








So, the next time you think ‘there must be more to life than this’, just remember that there isn’t and then just think ‘isn’t it wonderful!’


















Author: FabFitFunFifty

For women over 50 who don't feel fifty

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